When registering for accommodations with the RCPD, students receive a form that outlines all accommodations provided to that specific student. This form used to be called a Verified Individualized Services and Accommodations (VISA) form, or if seeking temporary accommodations, the form was called a Verified Individualized Services Temporary Accommodations (VISTA).
In an effort to be more inclusive, and to lessen any confusion with other business acronyms/forms, RCPD changed the name from "VISA" to "Accommodation Letter" and "VISTA" to "Temporary Adjustment Letter."
The Accommodation Letter is confidential and it's the primary method of documentation that enables students to communicate their accommodations to faculty. A similar form of documentation is called a Temporary Adjustment Letter and performs the same functions for students with temporary conditions. The Accommodation Letter is individualized and cannot be generated until a student becomes registered with RCPD.
If you are an MSU student and wish to learn more about receiving accommodations through RCPD, check out our Student Accommodations page, or if you are an MSU employee seeking accommodations, visit our Employee Accommodations page on our website.