Michigan State University provides services and accommodations to persons with temporary conditions or injuries for both academic and workplace settings. On a campus of nearly 50,000 people, temporary injuries happen everyday, and both professors and supervisors are willing to provide accommodations during the time of injury. However, if the injury or condition is significant or recovery will be long-term, the Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities is here to help.
Students who experience a disabling temporary condition or significant injury (i.e. a broken leg, a sprained wrist, knee surgery or a long term recovery from surgery) may register with the Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities. RCPD encourages students to communicate with professors prior to the time an accommodation is needed.
Please understand that common, non-disabling illnesses such as a cold, flu, strep throat or mononucleousis are not covered by RCPD and should be worked out with individual instructional faculty under attendance policies.
Temporary Mobility Resources
Please see RCPD's Accessibility at MSU page for information about architectural accessibility, mobility aids/equipment, and more.
To receive temporary adjustments for a mobility-related condition/injury, please begin the RCPD registration process and/or contact Access Specialist Lynne Swerhone.
Temporary Arm & Wrist Injuries
To receive temporary adjustments for an arm/wrist-related condition/injury, please begin the RCPD registration process and/or contact Access Specialist Tesia Freer.
Students who have difficulty writing may find the suggestions below helpful. There are also additional resources found on the Assistive Technology page.
Class Notes
- Borrow notes from a classmate.
- Photocopiers are available in some classroom buildings, residence halls, and the MSU Library
- Use a laptop computer to type notes (if typing is an option).
- Use a tape/digital recorder with the instructor’s permission.
- Access the course materials and notes on the classroom management systems.
Course Exams & Quizzes
- If taking a multiple choice exam or quiz, talk with your professor regarding circling responses on the exam and then having the professor or TA transfer the responses to the scantron sheet.
- If taking an essay exam, request to type the exam, record responses using a tape/digital recorder, taking an alternative format of the exam, or delaying the exam until writing is possible.
- If you are not able to write for exams in class or work out an alternate solution with your professor, contact RCPD through MyProfile or by calling (517) 884-1900.
The Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities requires medical documentation of the condition (letter from physician or medical documents showing the nature and extent of the injury) and participation in a needs assessment with an RCPD staff member to receive assistance with course exams.
If I Cannot Complete My Coursework...
If a student cannot complete their semester coursework due to a medical condition there are an array of options that may be discussed with an academic advisor within a students' college or specified field. In addition, students may request a withdrawal for medical reasons and/or a refund by following the procedures as posted by the Office of the Registrar.
Getting Help from RCPD
RCPD provides services and accommodations to persons with disabilities for both academic and workplace settings. Before receiving accommodations, students and employees must Identify and Register as a person with a temporary disability/condition and provide appropriate documentation to RCPD.
Step 1: Self-Identify
To get started in the process of registering with RCPD, start by self-identifying as a person with a disability. Use your MSU NetID and password to log into the MyProfile system to create a profile and initiate contact with RCPD. This process will then assign you to an Access Specialist.
Step 2: Medical/Disability Documentation
Your assigned Access Specialist will request for you to submit medical documentation of your temporary medical condition/disability. The documentation is necessary to verify the presence and severity of your condition. Documentation can be a letter from a physician or medical documents showing the nature and extent of the medical condition/injury.
Step 3: Needs Assessment
Once your Access Specialist has received sufficient medical/disability documentation, they will reach out to arrange a Needs Assessment meeting. During this meeting reasonable accommodations are discussed and determined.
The MSU Disability and Reasonable Accommodation Policy provides additional guidance.