MSU Senior, Arianna Fobbs, a plant biology major, began writing a book in high school with the goal of helping others, like herself, that identify with a learning disability. Her book, “Disabled to Enabled,” is packed with tips for students with some of the most common learning disabilities, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, Anxiety, and Sensory issues. She was inspired to start writing the book “Disabled to Enabled” when she realized that she could help inspire others who were struggling like she did and provide tips to people that would assist them in getting through school with disabilities.
“It's not very long, it's like an hour-long read. When I read self-help books I can't usually last more than an hour and a half, so I wanted to keep things concise,” shared Fobbs. With chapters that cover topics like mindset and learning strategies, to ADHD, Dyslexia, Anxiety, sensory issues, and more, Fobbs wanted to share her experience with finding the right strategies to help her through her learning journey and hopes readers find something that they can take away from the book that can help them, too. She shares, “I hope that those who read my book come away inspired and learn useful tips that will help them on their life journey.”
You can download a copy of "Disabled to Enabled" on Kindle here: Amazon.com: Disabled to Enabled: Practical Suggestions for Students with Learning Disabilities eBook : Fobbs, Arianna: Kindle Store
Arianna Fobbs is finishing her degree in plant biology at Michigan State University. She is focused on researching drought resistant agricultural plants to help with food security and looking at the way plants are able to restore polluted soils to help our environment. In her spare time, she enjoys writing stories, creating music scores, and playing the violin.