Spartan Study will be cancelled for the week of 2/20 and resume on 2/27. It will also not take place the week of Friday 3/3-Sunday 3/12. It will return to its schedule Monday 3/13.
Spartan Study is back! Join Tower Guard for study sessions both in-person and via Zoom. In-person sessions will be in the Main Library room E118. Please see the below schedule for more information:
5-10pm Main Library room E118
5:00 pm- math up to Calc 3, Econ201-302, writing/editing
5:30 pm- Biology, orgo, chemistry, math, horticulture, plant biology
6:30 pm- data science, Calc 1
6:30-9:30pm Zoom
Passcode: TG2022
- general chemistry, organic chemistry 1, history, philosophy, and sociology
12:30-4:30pm Zoom
Passcode: TGStudy
12:30 pm- writing, beginner Spanish, sustainability, Biology, orgo, chemistry, math, horticulture, plant biology
5-10pm Main Library room E118
5:00 pm- Math, Biology, Chemistry, Anatomy, Algebra, Spanish, Statistics, Writing, Biology
6:30 pm- data science, Calc 1
9 am- 3pm Zoom
Passcode: TGStudy
9:00 am- ACC 201, MKT 250, ISS 315 and 215, ISB 202, EC 202 and 201, IAH 207
10:00 am- MTH 133, ISS 215
10:30 am- MTH 103, Calc 1, basic chemistry/orgo
1:00 pm- ANS 110, grammar/paper review
5-10pm Main Library room E118
5:00 pm- digital storytelling, ISS 200 levels, WRA 101, intro CAS
5:30 pm- math up to Calc 3, Econ201-302, writing/editing
6:30 pm- beginner Spanish
9:00 pm- data science, Calc 1
5-10pm Main Library room E118
5:00 pm- English, writing, Algebra, Spanish, Statistics, Writing, Biology, Chemistry
6:30 pm- Chemistry and Biology
8am- 4pm Zoom
Passcode: TGStudy
8:00 am- History, art, theatre
9:30 am- ACC 201, MKT 250, ISS 315 and 215, ISB 202, EC 202 and 201, IAH 207
10:30 am- Chemistry, Biology, Calc, Stats, and writing
1:30 am- MTH 103, LB 117, Chemistry, Biology,Orgo 1, WRA 101, stats for scientists
8am- 2:30pm Zoom
Passcode: TGStudy
8:00 am- Chemistry and Biology
10:00 am- Chemistry, Biology, Calc, Stats, and writing
12:00 pm- MTH 103, Biology, English, Writing, Chemistry, Bioethics
9am- 7pm Zoom
Passcode: TGStudy
9:00 am- General Chemistry, Introductory Biology, Calculus I, Lyman Briggs Classes
11:00 am- lower level math courses, STT 200, ISS, PLS
1:00 pm- MTH 103, Biology, English, Writing, Chemistry, Bioethics
3:30 pm- Chemistry, Biology, Calc, math, horticulture, plant biology, Stats, and writing
5:30 pm- digital storytelling, ISS 200 levels, WRA 101, intro CAS