Returning Fall 2024! Join BOND for our freshman 1-Credit UGS 110 course. Sign up with your advisor! See our flyer for more details.
Welcome to BOND! BOND offers community, academic support, social events, and more for autistic students at MSU. Within this program, students connect with others who have had similar experiences and can find support in a small group at our big university. The BOND program, open to students of all levels, empowers participants as learners and leaders in a program that is always progressing to meet student needs. Check out our BOND Program brochure!
Students may participate in any or all components of the BOND Program!
Individual Meetings
Participants are encouraged to meet with their RCPD Specialist on a weekly basis to discuss personal goals, strengths, and challenges and develop strategies for success.
Peer Mentoring
Peer mentors connect with participants to offer support in all aspects of the program. Mentors are fellow MSU students with strong social and academic skills.
Social Outings
Each week, peer mentors invite participants to campus and community activities. Invites are sent via text, social media, and the BOND newsletter and participants are welcome to attend activities of interest.
Social and Skill Building Events
Events offered throughout the semester create opportunities for connecting with others and learning and practicing new skills. Each event incorporates fun and engaging activities with purposeful and individualized skill development.
Employment Planning and Preparation
Participants are connected with the MSU/MRS Careers Collaborative and other community partners to increase employment readiness skills and explore internship and employment opportunities.
BOND Freshman/Transfer Transitions Program
- Participate in transition programming
- Learn about resources, campus life, and the community
- Meet fellow students and RCPD staff
- Settle into campus
- Beat the move-in crowd
- View and download the BOND Transitions flyer

BOND 1-Credit UGS Course - Weekly Skill Building Seminar
- Fall 2024: class meets Tuesdays 2:40 - 4:00 PM
- Sign up with your academic advisor! UGS 110 Section 356 (exclusive to BOND students)
- MSU UGS 110 courses are focused on developing skills that enable a successful transition to college;
identifying/engaging in strategies and resources; and creating plans for academic success, social
engagement, and wellness in college. - Topics Include: Professional Communication, Time Management/Organization, Study & Test Taking Strategies, Campus & Community Involvement, Self Care, Note Taking, Mental Health
- Requirements include: Weekly Class, Assignments & Projects, Study Sessions, Coaching Sessions (with BOND staff), Engaging with Campus Resources
- View and download the BOND UGS 110 Seminar flyer
Email Lindsay Hill with questions.
Help us grow this opportunity and increase capacity by supporting this innovative program. To become involved and find out what this program can do for you, contact the Autism Spectrum Ability Access Specialist.
This donor-supported program provides awareness and expanded opportunity for persons with disabilities. You can help support this initiative or find out more about other RCPD programs and giving opportunities by visiting the Make a Gift page.